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Frank Golata Outstanding Outfitter Award


Established in 1996, the Frank Golata Award recognizes a North American outfitter, who outfits primarily for mountain game, whose entire career has exemplified the honor and dignity of the proud profession of outfitting.

Coke Wallace of Midnight Sun Safaris addresses banquet attendees after being named the 2024 Frank Golata Outstanding Outfitter Award receipient. 

The following factors will be considered:
  1. Long time outfitter in good standing that is actively outfitting clients
  2. Financial contribution to National WSF (Donations, sponsorship, etc.)
  3. Volunteer efforts to WSF (convention, committees, etc.)
  4. Personal contribution to WSF and industry (Financial and time)
  5. Long time and consistent WSF exhibitor
  6. Dedication and commitment to WSF and its mission and purpose

A committee appointed by the Board of Directors made up of two (2) prior Golata Award winners and three (3) members at large shall evaluate candidate nominations.

Nomination deadline. November 1st, 2025.

complete list of RECIPIENTS

2025 - Freelance Outdoor Adventures - Lance Kronberger
2O24 - Midnight Sun Safaris – Coke Wallace
2023 - Kodiak Outdoor Adventures - Paul Chervenak
2022 - Sierra El Alamo - Artee Family
2020 - Paul & Donna Claus - Ultima Thule
2019 - Ron Fleming & Brenda Nelson - Love Bros. & Lee Ltd.
2018 - David & Teena - Dickson Outfitters
2017 - Dan Montgomery - Alaska Trophy Adventures 
2016 - Arthur & Crystal Thompson - Gundahoo River Outfitters
2015 - Darwin & Wendy Cary - Scoop Lake Outfitters
2014 - Dale & Sandra Drinkall - Terminus Mountain Outfitters
2013 - Rowdy McBride - Hunting Services, LLC.
2012 - Harold Grinde - Gana River Outfitters
2011 - Sergio Jimenez - Mexico Hunts
2010 - Alan Young - Midnight Sun Outfitters
2009 - Toby A.C. Coleman - Toby’s Trophy Treks
2008 - Pete Cimellaro - Yellowhorn Outfitters
2007 - Reg & Ray Collingwood - Collingwood Bros.
2006 - Kelly Hougen - Arctic Red River Outfitters
2005 - Richard Rohrer - Rohrer Bear Camp
2004 - Bill McKenzie - Gana River Outfitters
2003 - Stan Stevens - Mackenzie Mountain Outfitters
2002 - B.Joe Coy - Coy’s Yellowcreek Outfitting
2001 - Stan Simpson - Ram Head Outfitters
2000 - Joe Klutsch - Katmai Guide Serviceâ?¨
1999 - Dick Gunlogson - Dick Gunlogson Master Guide & Outfitter
1998 - Garry Vince - Muskwa Safari Limited
1997 - Urban Rahoi - Ptarmigan Lake Lodge
1996 - Myles & Sherri Bradford - Bradford & Company


Nomination Process

Submit your nomination letters to Julie Tripp – WSF Awards & Publications Director.
WSF World Headquarters | 412 Pronghorn Trail | Bozeman, MT 59718 USA | Phone: 406.404.8750 (800-OK-FNAWS) |
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