NPS Proposes to Eliminate Sportsmen Funded Water Developments
May 24, 2018
The NPS has extended the comment period due most likely to significant pushback all the way up to the Interior Secretary. WSF members are encouraged to submit comments OPPOSING the NPS plan to eliminate water sources developed by wild sheep conservationists.
The Mojave National Preserve serves as an incredible range for a variety of animals including mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and several small game species. For over 40 years sportsmen and women have funded and installed water developments (guzzlers) within the Preserve as a necessary conservation effort to sustain healthy wildlife populations. Tragically, there is a current effort by the National Park Service to remove these critical water sources from the Preserve and void the previous efforts of the sportsmen/conservation community. While completely disregarding previous conservation efforts, wildlife sustainability, and hunting opportunities, the Mojave National Preserve aims to remove or abandon critical water sources, solely to conform to their personal definition of wilderness area compatible. As discontent with the current plan has risen, an extended 60-day comment period is now in session. However, we fear the questions asked for comment are potentially misleading and meant to conform to an unstated agenda. Therefore, we recommend following the link below, scroll to the very bottom comment section, and tell them, “The proposed management plan for developed water sources must be abandoned as it does not consider several crucial factors for sustainable wildlife populations or the negative impact on hunting and outdoor recreation.” As a unified front, we can oppose efforts such as these, that look to mitigate the rights and efforts of all outdoorsmen and women.
Management Plan for Developed Water Sources & EA, Mojave National Preserve
Our comment letter (prepared by Vern Bleich) and 1-pager is attached below.
Release Date: May 22, 2018
Contact: Danette Woo, Mojave National Preserve, (760) 252-6107
Extension of Public Comment Period for Management Plan for Developed Water Sources and Environmental Assessment, Mojave National Preserve
BARSTOW—The National Park Service has prepared a Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Developed Water Sources in Mojave National Preserve. The Plan was made available March 20 for public comment; the public comment period has been extended to July 19, 2018.
The document is available online at; it is also available at Mojave National Preserve’s three visitor centers.
Comments on the project may be submitted online ( waterplan_ea) or mailed. All correspondence may be directed to:
Mojave National Preserve
ATTENTION: Water Plan & EA-Comments
2701 Barstow Road
Barstow, California 92311
Danette Woo
Environmental Compliance & Special Park Uses
Mojave National Preserve
Castle Mountains National Monument
2018-05-18 WSF Mojave Water
2018-05-18 Final WSF et al MNP Comment Letter
The Mojave National Preserve serves as an incredible range for a variety of animals including mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and several small game species. For over 40 years sportsmen and women have funded and installed water developments (guzzlers) within the Preserve as a necessary conservation effort to sustain healthy wildlife populations. Tragically, there is a current effort by the National Park Service to remove these critical water sources from the Preserve and void the previous efforts of the sportsmen/conservation community. While completely disregarding previous conservation efforts, wildlife sustainability, and hunting opportunities, the Mojave National Preserve aims to remove or abandon critical water sources, solely to conform to their personal definition of wilderness area compatible. As discontent with the current plan has risen, an extended 60-day comment period is now in session. However, we fear the questions asked for comment are potentially misleading and meant to conform to an unstated agenda. Therefore, we recommend following the link below, scroll to the very bottom comment section, and tell them, “The proposed management plan for developed water sources must be abandoned as it does not consider several crucial factors for sustainable wildlife populations or the negative impact on hunting and outdoor recreation.” As a unified front, we can oppose efforts such as these, that look to mitigate the rights and efforts of all outdoorsmen and women.
Management Plan for Developed Water Sources & EA, Mojave National Preserve
Our comment letter (prepared by Vern Bleich) and 1-pager is attached below.
Release Date: May 22, 2018
Contact: Danette Woo, Mojave National Preserve, (760) 252-6107
Extension of Public Comment Period for Management Plan for Developed Water Sources and Environmental Assessment, Mojave National Preserve
BARSTOW—The National Park Service has prepared a Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Developed Water Sources in Mojave National Preserve. The Plan was made available March 20 for public comment; the public comment period has been extended to July 19, 2018.
The document is available online at; it is also available at Mojave National Preserve’s three visitor centers.
Comments on the project may be submitted online ( waterplan_ea) or mailed. All correspondence may be directed to:
Mojave National Preserve
ATTENTION: Water Plan & EA-Comments
2701 Barstow Road
Barstow, California 92311
Danette Woo
Environmental Compliance & Special Park Uses
Mojave National Preserve
Castle Mountains National Monument
2018-05-18 WSF Mojave Water
2018-05-18 Final WSF et al MNP Comment Letter