House Concurrent Resolution 23 Passes!
April 27, 2018
Fellow Sheep Enthusiasts
We achieved a true milestone earlier this week with the passing of House Concurrent Resolution 23 (HCR23).
A Resolution, although not binding like a bill, is essentially a statement of policy from the legislative branch to the executive branch stating a position. According to the Alaska House Majority Coalition:
“There are legitimate concerns that bacteria like the recently identified M.ovi bacteria can harm Alaska’s wild Dall’s sheep and goats. This resolution is intended to advance a coordinated effort to monitor and protect Alaska’s immensely valuable wildlife resources from the M.ovi bacteria and other diseases and pathogens,” said HCR 23 sponsor Representative Andy Josephson (D-Anchorage). “I want to thank my colleagues in both the House and Senate for taking this issue seriously and for acting swiftly to put the Alaska Legislature on record supporting efforts to ensure the continued health and survival of our wild and domestic animals.”
The M.ovi bacteria has recently been documented in a small number of Dall’s sheep and mountain goats in seven Game Management Units in Alaska. The bacteria, which has caused die-offs in several western states, impacts animals by impairing their ability to clear harmful bacteria that can collect in the lungs and cause pneumonia.
House Concurrent Resolution 23 passed the Alaska House of Representatives on April 13th by a vote of 36-3. The resolution passed the Alaska State Senate today by a vote of 19-0. HCR 23 will now be sent to Alaska Governor Bill Walker for his signature.
We salute this farsighted bi-partisan action on the part of the Alaska Legislature. We want to give a special shout out to Rep Andy Josephson (D-Anchorage) and Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage) for their efforts in getting this Resolution passed.
We also need to thank our conservation partners, SCI, APHA, and the Outdoor Council for their outstanding support in this effort. We could not have done it without them.
A copy of the HCR23 and the AK WSF Press Release are attached for your reference.
This legislation comes on the heels of a record setting annual banquet in Anchorage on Saturday April 14th. We had 708 attendees and raised an incredible $520K for the one-night event. Both numbers equate to a doubling of attendees and gross revenue from our first banquet three years ago.
I would like to personally thank the many people that made both accomplishments possible. It takes teamwork, collaboration, cooperation and plain hard work to make these things happen. Both achievements underscore the potential of the Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation to fulfill our purpose of “Keeping sheep on the mountains of Alaska”
Thanks again to all who helped make it happen.
Kevin J Kehoe
Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation
Alaska Press Release