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WSF Partners with MTNTOUGH for the TOUGH SHEEP Workout at the 2025 Sheep Show®

September 3, 2024

The Wild Sheep Foundation is partnering with Montana-based MTNTOUGH for a new event for the 2025 Sheep Show® in Reno. TOUGH SHEEP will be a physical workout event for anyone looking to test their conditioning or add to their fitness routine that best simulates the rigors of a sheep hunt. 

"There is a saying in sheep hunting: All it takes is all you've got," said Keith Balfourd, WSF's Director of Marketing and Communications. "Combine this reality with the Sheep Show®, the premiere event in sheep hunting and conservation, the industry leader in fitness programs for mountain game hunters; our attendees hungry for a challenge, plus the opportunity for someone who completes the workout to win a Dall's sheep hunt, and you have the making of a super event."
TOUGH SHEEP will be a multistage workout that mixes cardio and strength training. It will be held on Friday morning, January 17th, at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center, home of the Foundation's 48th annual Sheep Show® convention and expo.
"MTNTOUGH is committed to making this event a success and is excited about the opportunity to partner with the Wild Sheep Foundation," explained Weston Paul, MTNTOUGH’s Director of Business Development. "We are confident that the TOUGH SHEEP Workout will be a memorable and impactful event that will benefit wild sheep conservation for years to come."
Participants can register online for a $100 entry fee. Everyone who completes the workout will be in a drawing for a 2025 Dall's Sheep hunt in the Mackenzie Mountains of the Northwest Territories with Stan Stevens. Proceeds from the registration fee will help the Wild Sheep Foundation and its conservation purpose to Put and Keep More Wild Sheep on the Mountain®.

The workout will be in the Reno-Sparks Convention Center at the Sheep Show on Friday morning, January 17th, beginning in stages at 8:00 am.  The course should take 30 to 50 minutes to complete. Participants will need their hunting backpack or a pack that can hold at least 40 lbs. (20 lbs. for women). There will be step-ups onto YETI coolers, lunges, get-ups, stair climbs, and suitcase carries. In between, a ruck lap will go up the stairs to the sky bridge and back down. That ruck will be around 600 yards, which should take 3-7 minutes.

Click here to learn about TOUGH SHEEP and register for the event.

The Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF), based in Bozeman, Mont., was founded in 1977 by sportsmen and other wild sheep conservationists. WSF is the premier advocate for wild sheep, having raised and expended more than $145 million, positively impacting these species through population and habitat enhancements, research and education, and conservation advocacy programs in North America, Europe, and Asia to “Put and Keep Wild Sheep On the Mountain®”. In North America, these and other efforts have increased bighorn sheep populations from historic lows in the 1950s-60s of 25,000 to more than 85,000 today. WSF has a membership of more than 10,000 worldwide.

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WSF World Headquarters | 412 Pronghorn Trail | Bozeman, MT 59718 USA | Phone: 406.404.8750 (800-OK-FNAWS) |
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