Funding Our Mission
while the Wild Sheep Foundation may have a relatively small footprint at about 11,000 members worldwide, we cast a very long and impactful conservation shadow. Through exceptional support from our members, sponsors, donors, giving societies, chapters, affiliates, and industry partners, WSF raised and directed more than $11 million to Mission Program Funding (MPF) during our recent July 2023 through June 2024 fiscal year. This represents a 47% increased over our prior record of $7.5 million in 2022-23 and more than $63 million directed to wild sheep conservation, management, enhancement, habitat restoration, education, and advocacy initiatives during the past decade.
During the twelve months of July 2023 to June 2024, WSF funded a mind-blowing $11.09 Million in Mission Program Funding (MPF) representing an incredible 47% increase over our prior fiscal year. Included in this record funding is $5.13 million from operational activities including $1.65 million to 20 Grant-In-Aid programs requested through our Chapters and Affiliates and $3.48 Million in advocacy, research, education, and industry support GIA and program funding. In addition, WSF directed a record $5.95+ Million to our state, provincial, and tribal/First Nation partners through 2024 conservation permit sales.WSF DIRECTED LAST FY (JULY 1, 2023 - JUNE 30, 2024) $11.090 MILLION IN MISSION PROGRAM FUNDING (MPF)
$5.13 Million MPF from Operations + $5,954 Million from permit sales = $11.090 Million
Of the $5,136,781 funded through operations (non-permits):
- $2,254,098 to wild sheep conservation, habitat and research GIA
- $1,030,463 in wild sheep education, advocacy, and other
- $1,652,433 in dedicated auction funds for GIA funding
- $187,287 in industry support
- $12,500 in international conservation
This IS the SECONd year in a row of $7+ Million in MPF and SIXTH consecutive year of $6+ Million MPF.
Annual Mission Funding
- 23-24 - Mission Funding
- 22-23 - Mission Funding
- 21-22 - Mission Funding
- 20-21 - Mission Funding
- 19-20 - Mission Funding
- 18-19 - Mission Funding
- 17-18 - Mission Funding
- 16-17 - Mission Funding
- 15-16 - Mission Funding
- 14-15 - MIssion Funding
- 13-14 - Mission Funding
- 12-13 - Mission Funding
- 11-12 - Mission Funding